(under construction)



Introduction to Metacard (PDF) 500 KB Introduction with screenshots, but in German


MetaTalk Programmer 968 KB (zip)

The tutorial - student and teacher stacks - for students of Middle and High Schools; from the Metacard FPT-Site); 20 lessons and 169 cards. (introductory text )

Multiple-Choice Tutorial 362 KB The "Multiple Choice Tutorial" is more an introductory demonstration of different multiple-choice formats with short explanations than an explicit tutorial with a detailed discussion of the pros and cons of each format.

Multiple Choice is a very common, but by modern standards not very effective teaching and testing tool. Even the SAT and ACT tests are slowly undergoing changes today as non-multiple-choice portions are added to them.
But multiple-choice still remains a widely used test format (e.g. Stephen Messimer's "Preceptor Tools" also contain different multiple-choice types) and students are eager to learn how to construct and use them.

This stacks contains 7 different formats of multiple-choice questions, arranged in "incremental" steps from a primitive version with fixed positions of solution and distractors (which should be avoided by all means) to a version with flexible positioning with the option to choose the number of problems from a repertoire and a "loop" for unsolved problems. After all problems have been worked on, the user gets the option to try the "wrong" problems once more etc. Thus the programs adapts to the individual needs of the user.

There are a number of things that need to be refined or "fine-tuned" (like restricting user input into the ask dialog to a certain range and specific keys) as it is not a final application intended for sale.

For better inspection the scripts are distributed across a number of buttons whose script lengths are similar - but not equal - to the Starter Kit limits, but most of these can only be edited with licensed versions of Metacard or Revolution.

The scripts can also be inspected easily by pressing the "display scripts" button and moving the mouse cursor over the buttons.


Scripter's Scrapbook 4.0 Link A collection of useful scripts by Hugh Senior; additions are possible - developed with Revolution (The Flexible Learning Company )